BURN2: A Playa before time in Second Life


The BURN2 team have announced the latest in the series of BURN2 events for 2015. with it, come invitations to artists, builders, DJs, musicians, blogger and the Second Life populace as a whole to join with them for three days of art, music and events that will take place between Friday, July 10th and Sunday July 12th, 2015.

Called Primordial the event will, in the words of the official announcement:

Find a way to look back at how our beloved Playa may once have been, so a window was opened to one fanciful possibility of the past.

A primeval jungle surrounds the Playa as it was long long ago, a great lake.  On the edges here and there are hot springs and geysers, some of which remain even until today. Steam drifts from them out across the water in the same way the dust we know so well does today.  Thick mats of vegetation float upon the surface, some large and strong enough to hold sizeable structures.  Other mats are less substantial. You must pick your path across the maze of them; one wrong step and you drop below into briny water.  Who knows what else has slipped below? What rests or lives there awaiting its genesis, ready to emerge in the next stage of our growth?

Parcels for artists, builders and creators on the Playa are being provided free of charge, and are available for builds on land, in / on the water or floating over the water.  Those interested in applying for a parcel should:

Musicians, DJs and performers wishing to participate on stage at Primordial should:

No closing dates for applications appear to be given, but as BURN2 events are very popular, parcels and stage slots are liable to fill-up fast – so the sooner those intending to apply do so, the better their chances!

About BURN2

BURN2 is an extension of the Burning Man festival and community into the world of Second Life. It is an officially sanctioned Burning Man regional event, and the only virtual world event out of more than 100 real world Regional groups and the only regional event allowed to burn the man.

The BURN2 Team operates events year around, culminating in an annual major festival of community, art and fire in the fall – a virtual echo of Burning Man itself.

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