Lab updates pricing on private region management services

secondlifeOn Tuesday April 2nd, Linden Lab issued a blog post on pricing for private region moves on the grid (i.e. moving a region from one location to another on the grid map), and for renaming regions.

The blog post reads in full:

If you have a private region in Second Life, there are several special services you might occasionally need, like region moves and name changes.

The charges for these services depends on the number of private regions you have, and to make it easier for all of our customers to understand the fee structure, we now have laid it out in this chart in the Knowledge Base:

New region fees - poor readability due to original also being of poor quality
(New region fees – poor readability due to original also being of poor quality – click to enlarge)

To request one of these private region management services, please submit a case through the support portal.

The guidelines for actually moving / renaiming private regions remain unchanged.

Also unchanged is the cost of transferring a region to new ownership. This remains at $100 per region (plus VAT for Europe), which includes moving and renaming the region, transferring billing for the region and changing the estate ownership settings.

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